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Why invest in Real Estate?

Investing in real estate is a reliable strategy for accumulating lasting wealth. It offers the potential for consistent cash flow, favorable tax advantages, and the possibility of your property's value increasing over time.

“Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.” - Marshall Field

Risk-Adjusted returns

Real estate has historically delivered strong, risk-adjusted returns, often matching or outperforming the S&P 500. A key advantage over stocks is its lower volatility, supported by the stability of tangible property assets and the steady cash flow they generate.

Passive and Stable income

Investing in real estate offers the potential for stable, passive income through monthly rental payments. Additionally, property values tend to appreciate over time, allowing for an increased value when you decide to sell, making real estate a powerful strategy for both income generation and long-term wealth growth.

Diversification and Stability

Diversifying across asset classes helps reduce the impact of market ups and downs. Real estate, known for its stability and resilience to market fluctuations, can further strengthen your portfolio. Valvest enhances this stability by offering a broad selection of individual property investments, allowing you to effectively spread and protect your money.

Real Estate as an Inflation Hedge

When inflation increases, Real estate can act as a hedge to shield your capital from depreciation.

  1. Rising Rental Income As inflation rises, rents tend to increase.
  2. Property Appreciation: Property values generally grow with inflation.
  3. Fixed Mortgage Payments: With a fixed-rate mortgage, your payments remain steady while rental income grows, improving cash flow.


Cómo funciona Valvest

Invertir en el sector inmobiliario solía ser difícil y complicado.

En Valvest, nuestra misión es poner la inversión inmobiliaria al alcance

Principios de inversión de Valvest

En Valvest gestionamos cuidadosamente las inversiones de nuestros clientes. Somos conscientes de la importancia de esta responsabilidad y no